Sunday, January 8, 2012

What Your Favorite Rose Color Says About You

Could also be interpreted as a 2012 horoscope based on your favorite rose color, I guess. It even tells you what people you annoy and what people you like. Well, more like the favorite rose color of the people you annoy and the favorite one of the people you like.

Dark Red
You’re cynical and refuse to believe in crappy fairytales like love. It’s all bullshit, anyway. Or so you tell yourself on Saturday nights, alone at home, watching Law & Order reruns. And everybody who gushes about romance is a complete idiot. Of course, you secretly wish you could gush on and on, too, because you want an admirer who would buy you a big bouquet of roses. Dark red roses.
You annoy the pink rose people and like the orange rose people.

You don’t need the knowledge that your type of roses actually grow naturally. It’s fine with you if they’re dyed. Who cares, anyway? you think. Certainly not you. After all, you have a broody life to get back to.
You annoy the yellow rose people and like mostly other black rose people.

Oh, how pure, how beautiful, how wonderful, you think, looking at picture after picture of white roses. You believe in love. You want a whirl-wind romance, a big, white wedding, with lots of white roses. Depending on your love life, you either totally admit your wedding dreams, or keep them secret. Nobody will ever know that you page through catalogues filled with creamy, white dresses.
You annoy the dark red rose people and like the yellow rose people.

You’re an optimist, although you might not know it. You have lots of sweet, kind and caring friends and you like to make them happy by giving them flowers. Yellow roses are warm and happy, just like you. You enjoy life. There are hardly problems you can’t solve with your cheery ways. You believe in peace.
You annoy the black rose people and like everybody in this world who is not a criminal.

You’re more exotic than most. Maybe your parents come from exciting foreign countries, or you like to go exciting foreign countries, or hell, maybe you just have that flair. You consider yourself to be different from the standard person but in a good way, and you love that part of yourself. You’re confident and you applaud your taste.
You annoy the white rose people and like the pink rose people.

You’re feminine and still somewhat girly. Your best friend in high school was a white rose person who married young, and you felt like such a kid standing next to her while she was all grown up with a husband (or wife). You had a few self-confidence problems at that age and felt left alone. Now, technically grown up yourself, you still feel awkwardly young. Actually, you get the feeling that nobody really notices you.
You actually don’t really annoy people and you like the white rose people.

Disclaimer: I made this stuff up.

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