Friday, January 20, 2012

So You're Going To Italy?

...and don't speak a single damn word of the language? Here are ten must-know phrases that will probably not help much at all, but hey, it's a start!

Good Morning = Buongiorno  (bwon jorno)
Good Evening = Buonasera  (bwona sayra)
Do you speak English? = Parla inglese? (parla eengglaysay)
I do not speak Italian = Non parlo italiano (non parlo eetaleeaano)
Thank you = Grazie (grahtsyeh, NOT grat-zee)
Please = Per favore (pehr favoray)
Please write it down = Lo scriva, per piacere (lo skreeva pehr peeachayray)
Where is = Dov’è? (doveh) Dov’è la toeletta? Where is the bathroom?
How much is that? = Quanto costa? (kwanto kosta)
I’d like = Vorrei (vorrehee) used when ordering in a restaurant i.e. vorrei un caffè per favore, I would like a coffee please

You might just want to hope everybody speaks passable English ... which they will. Maybe.

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