Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sugar Waxing - To Wax Or Not To Wax?

It's winter, it's cold out, and therefore long pants season. So nobody in their right mind shaves their legs (not to mention that razor blades are expensive). That leaves you, changing into your comfy pajama pants, when you suddenly look down at your leg hair and think: I look like an ape.

You know what shaving is, you know what traditional waxing is - both with hot wax and cold wax strips - and you know what epilating is. You also know that all these methods have their pros and their cons. With shaving, it's painless, but the hair grows back really quickly and the blades cost a lot. (Also, maybe razor burn and ingrown hairs).
With both waxing and epilating, the major downside for me is that it just fucking hurts waaaaaaaaaay too much. Screw the benefits; I'm a wimp when it comes to pain.
Now, the difference between traditional waxing and sugar waxing, is, mainly, the "wax". SW (sugar waxing) is a do-it-at-home thing. You just cook some sugar, add water and a bit of lemon juice. There's a good article on the actual sugar waxing here.
Anyway, SW is actually less painful than the traditional stuff because you lose less skin in the process. Of course, you need a little practice before you figure out just how long to simmer the wax and how warm it should be when you apply it, but in reality? It's easy.

My conclusion? You should try it. Like I said before, I'm wimpy, so I did SW once and then never again. Although I did appreciate the results (no hair for WEEKS!) it just wasn't a real option for me. I shave, and I put up with the problems there. There it is.
But that shouldn't stop you from trying SW yourself. I'm serious, you just might find your new, hair-free love.

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