Monday, January 16, 2012

10 Things I Love About Star Trek: 2009

I'm not a Trekkie, I'm seriously not. I'm not into the original series, and I think the movies are okay, but I'm not a Trekkie.
Just so, so into the 2009 movie.

And now, for the promised Ten Things I Love (not in any particular order)

1) It's a prequel, but it's not predictable. Like I said, I haven't seen much of the "other universe" Star Trek stuff, but I feel (guess?) like the characters are different. Which brings us to...

2) The characters. I'm a sucker for character development because I'm into writing and all that jazz, and when you watch this movie you can't help notice all the developing everybody is doing.

3) The music. I love, I freaking love the soundtrack. The re-vamped version of the old theme is to die for, seriously. Here is a cool YouTube video with samples from the soundtrack.

4) The Spock-Uhura relationship. I think they've got chemistry, they're both independent and strong but they still have this trust going on, they rely on each other and take care of each other and they are just so damn awesome. If you read my post about the ships I sail (the fictional character relationships I like) then you'll know that I generally don't like slash because ... well, I'll let you read the post.

5) The special effects. As an avid action movie fan, I couldn't help but notice them.

6) Nero. He's a badass villian, in a sympathetic sort of way, if that makes any sense to you.

7) Two specific scenes: firstly the one after Vulcan is destroyed and Spock's mother is dead, and Nyota follows him into the elevator (turbo-lift?), and secondly, the one where Kirk and Spock are going to beam to the Narada, and Spock and Nyota are making out and Kirk has this great facial expression going on.

8) The actors/actresses. I think they did a really good job and damn but these are good looking people!

9) McCoy. I love how he's all cynical and sarcastic, because that's the way I feel most morning when I wake up.

10) The possibilities that the movie leaves. You can take that movie and run with it, like a lot of people are doing in the form of fanfiction. But there's also going to be an official sequel, (I'm pretty sure), released in the summer of this year, or in 2013, depending on your source. Not that I google that or anything. It's not like I'm a Trekkie.

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