Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My First Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episode ... Ever

Today I watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer for the very first time in my life. It was an experience, let me tell you.
I was busy being sick and feeling sorry for myself (and also randomly surfing around in the internet) when I though, hey, let's watch something. That something turned out to be Buffy.
And it was okay. (The it, by the way, was the very first Buffy episode from the very first season. It made enough sense to start at the beginning)
I thought, that by starting at the beginning, everything from the basic idea to the characters would be somehow explained to me. Isn't that always the way it is? Well, I was wrong. They do not tell you at the beginning that Buffy is a vampire slayer. I mean, okay, the title kind of tells you that much, but I mean details. The whole who-what-when-where-why-how thing. Information!
What they did tell you at the beginning was that it was Buffy's first day at a new school. They did not tell you why Buffy has that weird name of hers. They also did not tell you what year this played in. I had my doubts because of what Buffy was wearing. I mean, look at that shirt. Does any teen girl wear shirts like that in these days?
Okay, so it's unbuttoned and actually shows off some cleavage and seems tight enough (also she was wearing it with a miniskirt) but still. My point still stands.
Throughout the episode, some of that vampire slayer business is cleared up. You meet a mean girl (I forgot her name), a social outcast (I think her name was Willow), two guys who seem to be friends with Willow and are probably "losers" too, one of which has the hots for Buffy. You meet this freaky librarian guy who knows about Buffy and does not think it's cool she wants to quit being a slayer. (Yes, they say it like that. Also: you learn that Buffy wants to quit being a slayer)
Then Buffy goes to a club, randomly meets Willow, tells her that life is too short to be shy and very quickly regrets her advice because now Willow is going somewhere with a vampire guy, and that's never good.
Meanwhile, under the ground, there's a freaky yet familiar looking guy. I wanted to get a picture of him so you could go "oh my gosh where do I know him from" like I did but I couldn't find an image. Damn. Anyway, he's doing this chanting type stuff when this guy just rises up from a pool of blood (Yeah! Like that scene in Hellboy!) The Risen Man wants blood, for strength, I think, because there's some talk about him being strong for the harvest? Yeah.
In general, there's a lot of talk about The Harvest, whatever that is. Like this one random stalker guy who creepily gave Buffy a cross necklace and said something about The Harvest before she went to the club. And the weird librarian who is supposedly some kind of "watcher" mentioned it, too.
By the way, the loser guy who likes Buffy found out about her being a slayer. And yet her own mother doesn't know. Strange.
Okay. Back on track. Willow is with the vampire guy and, and so is the second loser, on he's with this vampire girl ... yeah. It's hard to explain. Both vampires are trying to get humans for the Rise From The Blood Pool Man to eat, I think.
Anyway, DANGER! And I won't tell you the rest in case you want to watch the episode yourself. Which you should, because Buffy the Vampire Slayer is pretty famous so you should have watched at least one episode. And you might as well start at the beginning so you can pretend you know what's going on and why.
That was my logic, too.

What I can tell you is that Buffy is badass. And I love badass characters.


  1. I love your post. I can't fathom what it would be like to watch Buffy for the first time this far into its legendary status. I've been a fan of Buffy Summers and the series since 1997. I've ranted and raved on message boards for years and know all of the episodes, dialogue, and storylines by heart. Yes, Buffy is badass and it is one of the many reasons to love her.
