Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This Is Me, Losing All Interest In Buffy

You all know the story of how I watched my FIRST Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode awhile ago. And I was intrigued. Also, confused. (What freaking Harvest, damn it?!)

Side note: for those of you who missed it, go here:

So I did something horrible. Something that you should never, ever do.
I went on Wikipedia and looked the show up. And of course, damn that trusty Wikipedia, I found a pretty good article on it. Which I proceeded to read.
That was, now that I think about it, my mistake. Because then, from that moment on, I knew very well who Angel was and how he and Buffy wouldn't really be together for long (sob) and how Buffy dies at the end of the season but comes back to life somehow.
And promptly I lost all interest in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, because there was no more suspense. No suspense = not interesting. That little equation makes sense, actually, and can be applied to a lot of different things.
Which I will not list here.
Because I still kind of liked Buffy and Angel but obviously needed something new where I didn't know what was going to happen anyway, I turned to and read a few fanfics.
As it turns out, people who have only watched one episode and got the rest from Wikipedia don't really understand fanfiction because you have to understand the characters somewhat, which I obviously didn't.

So here's the pact: I won't look up TV shows, books or movies on Wikipedia anymore unless I've already watched or read them. There.
That ought to fix it.

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