Sunday, November 27, 2011

Twilight And Justin Bieber Jokes Are Going Too Far

Unless you're living all alone, in a shell, without any contact to other human beings and without an internet connection, you've seen all of the Twilight and Justin Bieber jokes out there. I think it's going a little bit too far. I mean, it seems like each one is split into two camps: absolute haters and absolute fans. There is no middle line.
And I am a middle-line person.
I read the Twilight books and liked them, I watched the movies and thought they were so-so. I thought the main characters in Twilight were stupid: Edward is a freaky, emotionless and possessive stalker-type and Bella is generally a weak character who doesn't know what she wants. The characters I liked were Leah and Rosalie, because they seemed strong-willed, tough and somewhat badass to me. The Emmett-Rosalie pairing was good enough, and I thought Leah/Jacob wasn't a bad idea either. Of course, these characters are only minor ones, and don't try to tell me that "Rosalie's story gets explored in Eclipse" because honestly? I don't want a minute worth of background information. I want a heroine who is more like Rosalie or Leah.
You can see that I'm not an enemy of the Twilight series, but I'm not a crazed super fan. (Evidence: haven't seen Breaking Dawn yet, don't know if I ever will. Also, hate main characters with a passion).

But let's move on to Justin Bieber. I think his haircut used to be girl-ish, before he cut it all off. With the shorter hair I think he's just ugly. I think his face is too much baby and too little sexy male singer, but we can't change our faces, can we? However, we can change our clothes, and I must say, Justin wears really ugly crap. Don't try to argue with me here; just look at some pictures of the guy and shudder.
I think Justin Bieber lacks intellect. He doesn't know what German is. Watch the video:
Germany is one of the bigger countries in the world. Next to France, it's one of the big guys in the EU. Do you know what the European Union is, Justin Bieber? No?
I mean, come on. Even if he hasn't heard of Germany in Geography, what about History? You know, World War II? Ever heard of that, buddy?
In a tweet, Bieber said he thought the guy in the video said "Jewman", which actually made me laugh. I watched that video just like you guys, and the pronounciation isn't that bad. Besides, I think we all know that Jewman isn't a language, but perhaps German is.
So those are my negative thoughts about Justin Bieber. But I'm not a hater. I sing along to Baby when it comes on in the radio, but that doesn't mean I think Justin has an awesome voice. I think he can kind of sing, but his voice lacks that manliness other male singers have, which sucks.

But come on, guys. Those gay jokes and stuff are getting old, anyway, so lay off. Nobody's laughing anymore. Seriously. I will take that comment back if you can offer me an awesome, new joke, but all that "justin is a girl", "still not as gay as Twilight", etc, etc, etc, stuff is really just boring now.

1 comment:

  1. (sorry, i cant write in english) omg justin bieber ist so dumm und letztens bei der bambie verleihung hat er noch erzählt, dass sein ur-großvater aus deutschland kommt und dass er deutschland toll findet und so
    boah so ein dummi :D
