Monday, December 26, 2011

The Holidays: Gifts, Relatives, All Of That Crap

Oh, yeah. Christmas happened, people, and because I'm me, Christmas happened with a bang. Seriously. The relatives we were supposed to be celebrating at? Yeah, their vacation house BURNED DOWN. They flew down there on a pretty much last-nanosecond flight and came back exactly one day before Christmas. And therefore couldn't prepare anything.
Then, standard oh-shit-I-have-to-deal-with-that-one-relative-I-can't-really-stand stuff, which actually wasn't that bad this year. Of course it wasn't good, but I'll take what I can get, thank you very much.
Also, there's a list of some of the awesome things I got this year, all highly awesome. Some books, a wallet, a purse - it all sounds bland, but wait for it. Wait for it.

So. Christmas at the relatives' place, right? 6 car hours away from my place, so once you're there you're there to stay. We still stayed at the home of the people whose vacation house is now very black and dead, but all the eating was now done at somebody else's place. Thankfully said somebody else lived very very close to the stressed relatives.

Now I'm going to be painfully honest with you. I don't like spending time with my relatives. Boom, there, I said it. Cope. So the holidays are a bit less of a joy for me. But this year, let me tell you, I almost went ahead and had fun. Which is really, really strange for me. Be aware that it didn't go down flawlessly, but it was smooth-ish. Kind of.
And now for the goodies. First of all, two books - a memoir and one fictional piece. Second, an expensive wallet, third, a big purse I picked out and then let somebody else pay. Fourth, perfume, more specifically, Heat Rush from Beyonce. There's more stuff, but that's all significantly smaller and more like just plain money. I'll post pictures of the purse and wallet sometime later.

Enjoy the holidays!

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